Friday, June 12, 2020

Master's rights to timeline of a lifetime slave

Wrote this awhile ago as part of my unrealistic fantasy.. Thought that cruelty is not a one time event, but stretched over a long time, possibly a lifetime. So decided to share the possible most severe agony and fate that can befall the slave.

Overall Timeline:
Trail period: 2 years
Thereafter review by master to continue Lifetime as by then slave no longer have rights to decide

Rights of master along time:
After 2 year-
Rights to permenent body modification
Rights to castrate slave

20 years-
Rights to remove external body parts (eg limbs)

25 years-
Master can harvest slave's non critical organ removal for sale, afterall it is master's property.

30 years-
Rights to removal of life

Note: if in the event found to have critical illness such as cancer, the timeline will be voided and accelerated, depending on the stage of sickness

For such lifetime arrangement, the slave will serve as maid to the master's household and classified as the lowest ever possible lifeform. Where the only world will know of is only master and his pleasure.. It will no longer have rights or there will no more such thing as pleasure..

Event and procedure according to timeline of rights:
This guideline make sure the slave is always at maximum usefulness for the master and further prolongs the suffering

As per rights permit, at appropriate time, the slave will be amputated over successive sessions in the following order, each amputation will provide a period of healing and also serve its usefulness to master before the next session of amputation will proceed. Slaves does not deserve any form of anesthetic or painkiller for such process and supposed to endure all the necessary pain as the master pleases... Procedure will only involve an effective tourniquet for the relevant areas for sufficient time prior to the amputation. Thereafter, when the part is ready, the master shall arrange to chop off the necessary body parts without mercy..

Parts are removed in the particular order in separate session with at least months or even years in between as per master's pleasure (each resultant removal will have particular purpose of the slave to the master accordingly)

Note: the removal parts removed from the slave can be preserved and used as food for the slave..

1. Removal of both palms
Here the slave can still walk, but without the essential palms and digit, the slave cannot grip any thing, slave can still do basic chores but with difficulty. This phase may be short as it is not serving much usefulness to the master

2. Removal of both lower feet. (the legs are to be meassured properly and marked to be cut precisely such that the length of the resultant cut is the same as the hand limbs)
Here, the slave will no longer know what is walking anymore... It can only move on all 4s... Effectively reduced to a real animal finally... At this juncture, master may also choose to cut off the tongue in the process to totally remove speech ability... Master can even choose to rename the newly created 'bitch'.. And can even consider a fresh set of training for the slave as an animal... The slave can still serve the master in various ways... and have to learn using the mouth to fetch for the master... This phase can be long (maybe few years until the master gets tired of the animal and proceed to the next phase)
Note: This process can further break into 2 phase of cutting the feet and next to shorten the lower limps to hat the length of the resultant cut is the same as the hand limbs so to INCREASE THE CRUELTY AND AGONY OF THE SLAVE.

3. Shortening (Trimming) of limbs..
Here, the limbs are further shortened until there is barely a stump.. where the slave will be amputated beyond the joint area.. The slave will not long be able to bend the limbs anymore.. and it will be like the hotdog dog... It will no longer to run fast on all 4s like previously.. It will serve the role as pervious phase.. but with greater difficulty.. (Master can enjoy the next dog until his pleasure ends to proceed)

4. Total removal of limbs:
Here, the slave will be useless to the master except as toys for the master... The slave can also be put on display like that of roman display... dressed like a mannequin in the master's fav dress ... slave can be put to use as immobile public toys so it can earn it keep and prove useful.

At this phase, marks the end of any amputation phase..

Non critical organ sale phase

for the next period, the master will keep the slave alive so that he can sell fresh organs as profit... such as kidneys, parts of liver, even eyes if there is buyers... Slave are kept alive also to prolong its suffering... Harvesting of organ are also done without anesthetic or painkiller.. Organ will be marked in advance by the buyer. Organ harvested are guaranteed fresh... Slave will be given sufficient time to heal and recover after each harvesting... Not so for the slave sake, but the ensure remaining organs for sale in good conditions so the master can earn THE MOST OUT of it.. Efforts will be made to ensure the slave remain alive..

The slave will be given a final recovery.. not so for the slave comfort, but so as to prolong its agony ..

Storage phase of the slave.

At this time, the slave would have been useless to the master. The simple box will be used to contain the slave... Slave will be conditioned to the box by being placed in it for months. 2 small holes will be drilled in the box for 2 tubings, 1 for air in and 1 for air out... the slave will spend alot of time in the box at this moment... water bag will be placed with feeding tube connect to the slave mouth for water..

By now, the anatomy of the slave is left with such that it can on longer scratch or try to push open the box as it no longer has limbs.. as precaution, cotton rope are used to bolt down the neck and the body though... The slave will be well plugged to prevent dirtying master's property.

Occassionally, the slave may be removed for cleaning, not so much for the slave, but more for the cleaning of the master's property.

This is to prolong the suffering and agony of the slave. The slave will have completely no chance of escape because it do not have limbs.. The slave will be stored alive in this state until the time the master decides to remove life from the slave..

Putting down phase
When the master is sure that the slave has been conditioned in the 'box' and that the only way the slave will die is by long and torturous death from hunger when buried alive, the master will unilaterally decide the day of live burial..

To prolong the process of death, the slave may be fed last full meal with lots of water in water bag provided in the feeding tube... The slave will be well plugged to prevent dirtying master's property (the box) for the afterlife.

The box will be permanently sealed and carried to the burial site, which will be the future grave of the master.. The box with the slave will be buried deep as the top will be reserved for master's future body when he finally dies.

When in place, the breathing tube will be placed on the surface with battery air pump supplying air into the box... The box will be buried accordingly and the slave will be left to die... As air will still constantly be supplied and water is present.. the slave will be kept alive as long as possible, Death can only be from starvation which may range from days to weeks.. This is to prolong the suffering and agony of the slave event at the verge of being put down.. The slave will have completely no chance of escape because it do not have limbs..

And this is not the end, because when the master finally pass away,, the master will be buried above the slave's coffin symbolising his forever mastership over the slave... and forever the slave is serving the master even at death... IN THE AFTERLIFE......

And with this arrangement, even in future there is evacuation of tombs, future generations will see the undeserving slave still serving the master in the grave.

The timeline is a reference guide which will be adjusted prior to any contract signed. More extreme may shorten the entire process to maybe a few years only. 

This is only an imagination and by no means be performed unless the law of the particular country allows and permit, which as of now, from my understanding, no country will allow such arrangements to happen. It will be a serious crime doing this in many countries! 

The writer, me, will not be responsible should anyone commit a serious crime after reading this. Adult discretion between reality and imagination is important! 

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