Friday, June 12, 2020

Castration:Part 1- Introduction


Castration of subject in this case is where the ENTIRE MALE GENITALS are completely removed so that the slave will be fully detached from the manhood it once was.. Thereafter, there will no longer be any signs of man on the subject.

However, this act should only be done on lifetime slaves and at least 2-3 years into the relationship where at least the OWNER is sure that he/she wants this slave for life.. As such act is irreversible. Only when the master is really committed to own the slave that he should do such act.

Slave's decision by now is not important as it's ability to make decision would have been broken and conditioned by the master. By now, it should have been conditioned to think only to obey, serve, master's preference and be punished by the master. It would and should not be able to think beyond that, after at least 2 years of training and conditioning. In other words, under proper training by the master's the slave would have been living fully as one and think like one...

Hence, it is only at the master's prerogative that the slave is castrated.

Castration will surely enforce he/her dominance over the slave. A reminder that the master is the true owner of the slave and over every aspect. After the act, a slave will also be mentally bonded to the slavery forever as it will know that there is no other life outside slavery than what it has now. Somehow, it will rule out escaping from slavery forever because that physical statue will definitely be socially negative on the subject even if it manages to escape. This will hence further enforce the Master/slave position from this act.

Also, in terms of hygiene, the slave will be more manageable to the master. There will no longer be any accidental ejaculation on panties, urinate on panties etc. No more accidental ejaculation is understandable. But in terms of urinating on the panties, master can now control the urinating regime as well as the defalcate regime of the subject effective. ALL THESE will directly be under master's control after castration.

After castration, there will only be a stump (hole) remaining on the subject. From then on, the subject cannot control it's pee anymore, from stories of China eunuch. In this case, the master simply need to plug a rubber plug (similar to picture) on the subject's hole. The master thus can henceforth control the peeing regime of the subject.

This can be done by allowing 3-4 timeslots a day for subject the to pee. Only during the allocated time the subject is allowed to remove the plug to pee. This also apply to shitting which the master by now would have a permanent rubber plug at the butt by this time. This surely further enforce the master's  control.

Master can now also punish the subject by not allowing it to pee during the designated time. Until the subject is so bladder tight that it beg to be released. However, this punishment must be done carefully because holding back pee for too long may cause internal damage to the slave..(not good as it may shorten the slave lifespan for service to master).

Lastly, the advantage is that the slave no longer need to tuck away the penis to the back to look like a girl. There is NO MORE budging out. No more hassle of pulling back when the penis got re-exposed again!. This is also 'good' for the slave as it may no longer be punished for exposing penis or budging panties anymore. The front of genital region will look flat FOREVER!

Preparation constrains

This act must be done by personnel with medical training, aka doctor.This can be done by a trained personnel (doctor), which the doctor must be one that even identify with this practice in the first place. It is NOT ADVISABLE to by done by the OWNER himself as MEDICAL COMPLICATION may occur, unless sufficient equipment AND sufficient MEDICAL ADVICE on the procedure is consulted. Even so, it is still safer to engage a medical practitioner to do this procedure.

As this practice is not mainstream in today's society, and also the practice of owning a slave. Mainstreams doctors will not be able to do it. Hence, the owner has the challenge of finding one doctor that is also in this 'Alternate Lifestyle' and is willing to do the act with the sufficiently low profile. Also, this can only be done with the slavery compound itself. This may take months for the master to prepare for this...

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