Friday, June 12, 2020

Lifestyle- Typical daily routine of lifetime slave

It has been few months since I have become a lifetime household slave to my master. I have not been allowed to keep track of days or time.. The only time I know is Master's time.

By now, I would have been mentally and behaviorally conditioned to be submissive and girly. Emotionally, I have learned to accept this new lowly status placed on me. Also, I have been conditioned to only think of master's welfare and to service all his needs.. Master has really been effective in his taming process through punishment and conditioning..

I have been moved to stay in master's house after the stay at the chalet (the initiation), where I am kept solely to service my master's daily life and to pleasure him in all areas, also to be kept to be used for whatever purposes to his benefits.

So today.....

In the morning, I wakes up earlier than master so as to be ready for him when he awakes from his beauty sleep.. As I do not have any time reference, my waking up timing is mainly by estimates. The sun still has not rise as it is still dark... But I have learned that it is a must to wake up way before master...

There were days where I woke up later than the master, those days, my mornings were inevitably greeted with serious punishments such as caning, forced to nipple clip for the whole day, and even one day, forced standing up the whole day on heels with chain round the neck hooked to the ceiling. Deprivation of food for the day also happened before as consequence of not waking up before the master. Sometimes, master used combinations of punishments to show his creative self.

My sleeping patch is right beside master's bed on the floor, which I have been accustomed to.. So awoken from my sleep, not knowing when master will wake up, I simply got up and kneeled down by the bedside, body facing him with head bowed. Master is still sounded asleep, snoring. Usually he wakes up around sunrise.. I simply waited, not intending to go back to sleep, in case I sleep past master again.. So I just waited.. and waited...

Some days, my estimates were quite close to master's wake up time.. But somehow today, after maybe 1 hour, or what seems like 2 hours... The sun seems to have not risen!! I still waited... and waited... Until finally, sky seems to brighten up a little.. and master's biological clock, accurate as ever, opened his eyes...

Upon noticing it, I immediately greeted him: Good morning master, hope that master's dream was good... How may Cassandra serve you this morning? (I have been trained to greet him this way every morning)..

As usually, master was still slowly waking up and not ready to talk. Today, he simply pulled down his pants and expose his dear penis (which I have been taught to refer to as: Master's precious)

Trained and know immediately what he wanted, I reached forward to lick Master's precious gently and slowly (learned that master liked it this way in the morning).. Licking and licking.... master simply closed back his eyes and seems to be still half asleep.... Such slow and gentle lick usually takes a long time before Master's precious stiffen... So I simply just keep licking... and licking... could taste his bitter bite of cum leaking out occasionally..

This takes quite long before Master's precious finally stiffen.. Then I proceed to move mouth into master's precious and began to moved up and down my head with master's precious rubbing against the wall of my throat... I have been trained to do this movement is a specific speed to master's liking, which till now makes me quite dizzy jerking up and down in such profuse manner..

Eventually, master exploded his first shot into my mouth... Then I pushed forward for Master precious to be parked right into my throat for his subsequent shots.. I was taught this is his preference.. Immediately, another jerk on the throat and next shot of cum enter directly down my throat... Then another jerk, and I feel another bunch of slimy liquid flowed down the throat..

Then the shot finally stopped... I slowly pulled away from master's precious, then again lick its tip few times to clean its residue..

Then I reached for the wetted tissue by his bed, pull up a piece and gently clean the whole master's precious... He liked it wiped clean...

After completed my first task of the day, I simply pulled back and kneeled back waiting for his next instructions..

Master continues to laze on his bed a little longer until he finally sit up..

He turned to me and says: Well girl, hope you enjoy your breakfast..

I replied:Yes master, Cassandra enjoys the essence master gives Cassandra..
(I have learned to reply positively and starting to get used to the horrible taste of the seamen)

Master: I am going to wash up..
Then he stood up and walked towards the bathroom.. I gently stood up and meekly followed behind master..

In the bathroom, master sat down on the toilet bowl to shit.. And as usual, I simply kneeled at the corner and waited for him..

Master announced: Done!

While kneeling, I moved towards him. He simply moved his butt towards my face for me to lick his hole clean.. To do it, I allowed my face to be pressed in between his butt and lick his hole clean.. I don't seems to get used to this TASTE! Yucks... Force the vomit down whenever I licked it.. and forced it down me.... Yucks...

After licking it sufficiently clean, I stretched to take some toilet paper and clean his hole dry after that..

Then master simply lifted up his hands.. Seems like I have really been trained to response to his cue.. I slowly stood up and help master remove his shirt.. took the shower hose and showered him, applied shampoo over his head, soap him all over and shower him clean.. All these are done with cautious and gentleness.

Cautious not to allow the soap or water to touch me (punishment if it happens), gentle so as to behave as girly as possible..

All this while, I am still in my standard set of uniforms with school shoes.. I have been wearing this set of uniforms for many days, probably weeks.. Although I have changed out of it various times for 'service uniforms (refer to Part 1-1)' or some girly dresses for maximum of few hours, I have always been made to change back to this standard set of uniform after that..

So far, I was 'washed' only once or twice simply by being sprayed with cold water after being made to strip full naked and prior wearing service uniforms so that I could be clean to service the master... Usually I will be made to apply very girly scented lotion over the exposed parts of the body...

By now, I would have been conditioned to the feeling of this stuffy and sticky uniform on me... And although i occasionally smell the slight smelliness, guess I am beginning to accept that of this hygiene status on me as well.. Getting used i guessed..

To prevent my dirtiness from touching master's other properties when doing chores, I am usually made to wear another layer of clean pinafore over the uniform, then as additional, I will will have to wear the lacy apron to do chores. Also, gloves are worn as well.. And during day time and evening, master stipulated that I wear heels (The 4 INCHES stiletto heels).. So as chores time falls under this timings, this attire is collectively is what master termed as 'CHORE ATTIRE'

After that, I wrapped the towel over master and helped him dry up.. Halfway, master instructed: go put on your Chore attire and come help me dress.. remember your heels..

I replied: Yes master, Cassandra obey...

I stepped back, CURTSY, and slowly walked to the next room where the attires are kept in a dedicated cupboard.. This dedicated cupboard contains all clothing items which the master collect to be put on his little school girl. It has lots of girly dress, few sets of different school uniforms, some slutty wears as well, few panties and bra, and other clothing items..

(Remembering that I am a property of the master and I am not allowed to own anything, all these items can simply be said belongs to the master)

I promptly changed to the heels, put on the necessary add-on.. After putting those on, immediately, I feel hotter especially now with double layer of pinafore over the blouse..

After that, I walked back to his room, master is already at his wardrobe.. I curtsy and walked towards him and help him dress up for the day.. Today, he is going to work, which I guessed should be a weekday..

Master instructed: Make breakfast!

I responded: Yes master, Cassandra obey.. (curtsy)

Then I walked to kitchen to prepare his usual breakfast... Toast bread with butter and coffee.. While preparing, the fragrance of the bread and coffee made me hungry.. and create a crave this kind food which seems normal before I started on this lifestyle.. Now, such food is totally unreachable for me.. I have no rights to place such food in my mouth anymore..

My diet comprise of only master's discharge, raw shredded carrot and potatos (sometime with raw eggs mixed into it), and occasionally bananas. Master's slave has no rights to cooked or processed food. Sometimes, when master is happy, he will spit out some of HIS food his chewed halfway on the flood and allowed me to lick it up (although the state of the food, it still tasted much better than the usually diet)

Few days ago, I was caught eating a piece of bread, and I was severely punished by being staved for the day and chained to a corner and hands bind up for the whole day.. That really taught me my boundary..

After preparing master's breakfast, I served it to master's dining table where he is sitting.. I stood submissively by his side watching him eat his breakfast.. while reading the newspaper.. When he has finished, master ordered: Clean it up...

I responded: yes master, Cassandra obey.. (Then curtsy)

I took the plate back to the kitchen sink and walked back to wait on master. Waiting for his next instruction. There, he instruct me specific task I have to fulfill for the day on top of the usual household chores..Then he walked to the fridge, took a bowl of shredded mixture of carrot and potato, placed it onto a dog's dish.. Turned to me.. Finish his before I come back.. That is my meal fo the day... And drink finish these 3 bottles of 1.5 litres bottle water!

Then he leave for work.. Helped him wore his shoes, stood silently for him to lock me in the house.. and off he goes..

I proceed to tidy master's bed, wash the dished, wash master's clothes in the washing machine.. Clean the tables, etc and all my MAID duties.. Oh yes, as for cleaning the floor, I am not allowed to use mop, only cloth and wipe every tile clean.. It is my duty to make sure all this chores are done everyday.. Failure or caught not doing such chores well will also result in punishments..

Master has planted  house monitoring CCTVs at most corners of the house to monitor me.. This cctv has inbuilt speaker which instructions can be given through..

After finishing the chores, which really made me sweat alot, feeling sticky, I proceeded to eat..

I kneeled in front of the bowl of food and eat its content, conscious to eat every mouth the girly way.. I know that all my actions are well recorded on the camera and master will review it to ensure I behave properly as a girl.. Sure terrible tasting food usually only keep hunger in check, but never makes me full..

Then I proceed to work on his specific task he wanted me to do.. Today, he gives me a colouring book and I have to colour every pages with my left hand (i am a right hander) I have to finish it before he comes home.. Oh no!... I kneeled at the designated kneeling corner and proceed with the task, in direct view of the camera! Really a struggle to complete such task.. which eventually finished..

After I finished all that I am supposed to do for the day.. My task is to just kneel at the kneeling corner and await master return.. I am not allowed to move too much.. This is hard especially the camera is always pointing at that corner..

When master finally comes home, from the kneeling corner, I greet: Welcome home master, Cassandra awaits master.
Stood up curtsy and walked to help master remove his shoes.. Usually, I have to lick his feet clean before wiping it with a damp cloth..

Then master will inspect all the work I did for the day to determine how much punishment I will receive.

After that, in the evening, I will usually be asked to change to a fresh set of service uniforms. Waiting on him as he relaxes from his day's work..

When he watches TV, I will sometimes be his foot rest, or dining table, or sometimes simply placed in between his legs servicing Master's precious while he watches TV.. Oh yes, during his TV, I will always have earplugs on because I am not entitled to any form of master's entertainment..

Sometimes, master will play games on me.. which are bias against me.. and I will always lose which I have to pay for losing.. So simply, I am just a toy for master to play with...

Also in evenings, chores such as helping master bath and other services happens as well.

When master decides to go to bed, by then I would have been changed back to the standard uniform, I have to wait by his bedside until he falls asleep before I could finally sleep for the night... (Slave cannot sleep before the master does).... For the next day to begin....

Despite the routine, master does organize various special events to break routine..

School girl service auction party
Friends gathering (girl involve in servicing master's friend)
Night outside in parks (Girl brought out in public)
Day of punishments payback (usually on weekend for girl to be pay back all accumulated punishments)

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